Reportagem especial

Ethics in the halls
Many talk about ethics in salons, only that the reality is different.
Far from the theory of ethics in the practice rooms is another fellow on a war footing by customers, a hairdresser from manicures, and against all epilators.
What to do when you simply do not exist?
According to the dictionary Improvements is the field of philosophy that studies moral values of human conduct, or ethics is the general study of what is good or bad, right or wrong, fair or unfair, inappropriate or inadequate.
It was the Greeks who defined the meaning of ethics. Associated the concept with the idea of moral and citizens
hip. The good citizen would, in accordance with the ideas of Plato and Aristotle, the ethical human being par excellence. They were influenced by the context in which they lived, marked by the rise and organization of the Greek polis. The people of the city-state needed to be helpful and loyal to each other to prevent foreigners and slaves from destabilizing the order prevailing there. Despite having established such noble principles, remained from a slave labor system.

The salon is where we spend most of our time, so it is necessary for a harmonious and appropriate in order that people can find fulfillment in their personal satisfactions.

Some questions can guide our thinking about what would be the professional ethics: I am being a good professional? I act appropriately? I perform my work properly? How do I relate my colleagues?

There are a number of attitudes that are not described in the codes of the profession, but which are common to all activities, for example, the attitudes of generosity and cooperation in teamwork, even when exercised in solitude. This is a typical example of a proactive stance, where the professional is not only restricted to the tasks of their obligation and contributes to the enhancement of work.

But why ethics is a practice of taking so complicated? I believe that when someone makes an unethical choice, do so for the following reasons:

Convenience: in situations where it is not possible to identify an immediate gain, many people choose to do what feels right at that moment, which changes according to the convenience of the situation.

They never play to lose: I believe that most people are like me, I hate to lose! Within a beauty salon, professional desire to win and achieve success. But many feel they need to choose between being ethical and being a winner. Many people believe that taking an ethical stance may limit their options, their opportunities and their own ability to succeed in the professional market.

To finish it is essential to always be well informed, not just the changes accompanying the expertise of their professional field but also in legal and regulatory aspects. Go and seek knowledge.

Technical expertise, constant improvement, respect for persons, tolerance, flexibility, loyalty and love. That is the key to success and ethics today.

I am open to criticism, and especially the constructive suggestions.

Must have, once again, sure I'm doing what the hairdresser or salon owner really wants to read. Write, critique, give hints!

God Bless, until the next edition.
Source: Journal of hairdressing

A cabeleireira Lourdes



Inicia uma






 contra o formol.

Lourdes Cabeleireira do Vista coiffeur na Barra da tijuca, inicia uma guerra contra o formol, com produtos Que não agridem a saúde das clientes e nem as dos profissionais.
"Acho um crime o que fazem alguns maus profissionais, fazendo o uso indiscriminado desse tipo de principio ativo, prefiro usar produtos que não me prejudique, e nem as clientes."

O risco do formol.

Mais da metade dos salões de beleza do Rio de Janeiro e de São Paulo oferecem alisamento com formol - embora a utilização do produto como alisador seja proibida pela Anvisa. O dado é de uma pesquisa da Insider, feita em janeiro de 2010.
Segundo a Associação Brasileira da Indústria de Higiene Pessoal, Perfumaria e Cosméticos, 9% das mulheres sabem dos riscos da aplicação, mas insistem nela.
O cenário já foi pior: antes, de 20% a 30% delas passavam pelo procedimento.
"Ainda recebemos muitas queixas em consultório, mas o número é menor do que no passado", diz Francisco Le Voci, especialista em tratamento de alopecia e transplante capilar, da Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Dermatológica.
Segundo ele, é comum receber pacientes com queda de cabelo, fios quebradiços ou ainda descamação no couro cabeludo. No entanto, esses sintomas não significam que a pessoa está usando um produto irregular. "Isso pode acontecer quando os procedimentos são muitos frequentes", diz.
Além disso, há pessoas mais suscetíveis, principalmente no caso de queda de cabelo. "Pode ser que já houvesse uma predisposição", avalia Le Voci.